Monday, September 23, 2019

Career Management System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Career Management System - Essay Example The various common elements of the career management system are examined for planning and shaping the career path of employees. The organizational growth chart is important incentive for the employees to work hard to achieve higher professional status within an organization (Gutteridge & Leibowitz, 1993). The possible career options and avenues of personal and professional growth within the firm help employees to plan their future growth. Thus, organizations need to develop clear career ladders for the workers that they might seek to advance their career. The organizational policies and procedures are critical paradigms that help create an environment of constant motivation for the employees to work with high commitment. The internal job search and facilities provided within organizational to the employees need to be constantly communicated across the workforce. Compensation, career moves, eligibility for new job or promotion etc. are important issues for workers who strive for growth to achieve their ambitions and career related objectives. Thus, strategies and policies must include the changing nature of the society that is increasingly becoming multicultural and focus more training and development of human resource to meet the challenges of the global competition. Organizations need to create facilitating environment of constant learning. It not only helps to nurture high standard of ethics and quality work but it also helps employees to acquire new skills that would add value to their core competencies leading to higher performance. Most importantly, improving skills and gaining knowledge provide workers with cutting edge competition that helps them to meet the challenges with new vigor and motivation. The networking across the community helps to create new job opportunities for not only new job aspirants but also for the

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